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Mozafund - Mozafund.biz

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Mozafund - Mozafund.biz Empty Mozafund - Mozafund.biz

Message par newpt Mar 26 Sep 2023 - 9:28

I'm not admin/owner!
Start: September, 19 2023



Mozafund.biz is an investment project specializing in cryptocurrency trading and providing funding for experienced traders. The company comprises a team of highly skilled traders and cryptocurrency experts who possess unique trading strategies and analytical tools to achieve high profitability in the cryptocurrency market. Our partners gain access to lucrative investment opportunities. Investors can contribute their funds to our funds, which are then used to finance traders and their operations in the market.

Investment plan:

3% Daily For 60 Days, 180% After 1 Day, 30% Hourly For 5 Hours

Min deposit: 10$

Refferal: 5%

Pay. systems: Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Payeer, BCH, LTC, ETH, Doge, Ripple, ePayCore, Tron, Tether

Gold Coders Script

SSL Certificate

DDOS Protection

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Date d'inscription : 14/08/2018

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