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List Zilla In Pre-launch

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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Ven 19 Fév 2010 - 23:08

Un groupe de gens ont été la construction d'une
Le logiciel de création de liste qui ne sera pas seulement automatiquement
Construisez votre liste pour vous, mais pour chaque personne qui se joint à votre
liste 6 niveaux de profondeur, vous êtes payé! C'est vrai qu'ils paient
que vous soyez sur la Liste VOTRE!

Dans le monde virtuel de sa un fait bien connu que les gens
faire le plus gros de l'argent dans quelque chose à peu près sont les
recruteurs. Période. Ce n'est pas les acteurs passifs., Bottom
ligne si vous ne nous référons pas aux gens de ces programmes
alors vous êtes laissant des milliers de dollars par an sur la

Peu importe ce que vous faites la promotion de l'argent est dans la liste
et il faut un!

Si vous êtes sérieusement faire de l'argent en ligne, je veux dire vraiment
grave, et puis allez à ce lien et faire pré inscrits --

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire maintenant

En ce moment le programme est en pré-lancement

Il vous sera attribué un certain nombre de pistes chaque mois
qui sera utilisé sur le marché et construire votre liste pour vous!

Vous gagnerez également de 3 $ par personne de votre liste en baisse de 6 niveaux

Elle rend également vous un revenu résiduel à chaque fois qu'ils renouvellent
par mois. Les paiements seront traitées par Alertpay.

Lorsque vous allez sur le lien d'une courte vidéo jouera. Watch it
et à la fin vous verrez la page d'inscription.

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire maintenant

Le prix sur le lancement aura lieu le 27 mâles et 9 dollars par mois
pour le logiciel de diffusion.

Le propriétaire comprend également une somme double garantie de remboursement. Si
vous ne faites pas au moins vos 27 dollars de retour à la première
mois avec ce programme alors il vous paiera 200% de retour
Qu'est-ce que vous avez passé po

Il s'agit essentiellement d'un risque programme libre.

Celui-ci est construit pour la personne tous les jours.

Get in early ici vous pouvez rejoindre:

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire maintenant

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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Jeu 25 Fév 2010 - 20:55

And here is Tai's latest email smile.gif Video # 2 is up!

I hope this finds you doing well.

I'm excited to announce the release of our second video for the pre-launch which details the features, commissions and pricing for ListZilla.


Make sure you take a few minutes out of your day to come by and watch it and leave a comment.

Our new Market Manager product has so many features I had to really cram to get some of them into this, and when you see the price, you're really going to be blown away. It's truly one of the most amazing products I've ever seen.

I've gone through and completely detailed the entire commission process and I show you exactly how you're going to get paid and make money with ListZilla, which of course, is what we're all after in the long run right ?

I know I'm not the most exciting guy in the world on the video, BUT ... there is a bunch of good info here and I need you to watch it so you know exactly what ListZilla is all about.


We're getting closer to the launch of this awesome program so make sure you're keeping up on all the details.

Tai Sheppard

PS. Make sure you check out this video: http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/2
Copyright ©️ Vendetta

Dernière édition par soulmarket le Dim 28 Fév 2010 - 8:44, édité 1 fois

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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Ven 26 Fév 2010 - 9:08

More Informations about List Zilla.

My name is Martin Cooper and right now I’m in exactly the same situation as you. I’m tired of my 9-5 job and crave being my own boss! I’ve tried many programs but have never seemed to make much of a success.

List Zilla is a BRAND NEW system that hasn’t even launched yet! So getting in now is VITAL! It works as list building software with a twist. You can choose to use it for List Building purposes and for that its free. But for all of us who want to make money you can choose two options:

# A Basic Account (Which you earn commission on a one off basis per referral)
# A Pro Account (Which you earn commission on a monthly basis per referral)

Ok. So if I’ve never made a success on most programs and this one hasn’t even started yet then why should I join this one? My answer to that is personal, Persistence! I’m never going to give up! And one day it will work. Hopefully with List-Zilla!

What does List Zilla require me to do? It’s simple. Participate. Refer people to the program and be an active member building a list and the bigger it gets the more you will receive in profits. Does that sound better than your usual 9-5?

Here are some resources provided by List Zilla to give you an idea of the earning potential. Remember everyone's list will be different and these figure's are typical based on if everyone referred just 5 people per week.

BASIC (One-off Revenue in 6 weeks)

List Zilla In Pre-launch 8

PRO (Monthly Revenue in 6 weeks)

List Zilla In Pre-launch 10

Before I Sign up Id like some more information

Ok. Thats Great. Every program I've ever paid for I've researched in depth. The website is in pre-launch right now so sign up is completely free! There have been several videos uploaded by the Admin 'Tai' You can find themPre-Launch Videos here

How much will List Zilla cost?

If you want to make one off sales from your referrals a Basic account
will cost you a one-off lifetime payment of:
ONLY $27
Or if your interested in making a Monthly Residual Income
A Pro Account will cost you
ONLY $19.97 a month
If your like me, self motivated and entrepreneurial click below to Sign up Now.
The pre-launch sign-up is FREE,

Sign up Now

Dernière édition par soulmarket le Dim 28 Fév 2010 - 8:44, édité 1 fois

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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Sam 27 Fév 2010 - 18:44

ListZilla Video # 3 is out! Very important instructions!
Sat, February 27, 2010 7:26:16 PM

We are getting down to the wire with Listzilla! Please read this email carefully!

The prelaunch period is almost over and the instructions for signup are very detailed so be sure to not only watch the video but read this entire email...your income depends on it.

Here is the video -http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/3

I'm going to give you a break down of the pre-launch signup instructions so there is no confusion come Tuesday.

First things first. Signup for prelaunch members ONLY will commence on Tuesday at midnight (Monday Night) CST.

If you don't already have a spot then go to this link http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/3
and enter your information in the box on the right. If you don't do this then you will have to wait a full 24 hours after everyone else to get signed up. Which will suck.

So starting midnight Monday night/Tuesday morning Central time the signup page will be opened and members who are signed up during prelaunch can start to signup.

To clarify Central Standard time is 1 hour behind EST. So at 11:59 pm monday night if you wait one minute then you can signup. Make sense?

Here are some very important points to take note of.

1) If you referred anyone during prelaunch then I highly suggest you try and stay up and get signed up immediately at midnight but at the very latest by noon Tuesday or else you run the risk of losing your people if they arent willing to wait. I will already be signed up and in the system so there wont be any delay. The reason you need to get signed up asap is that your downline wont be able to signup until you do.

2) If you are signing up and you get an error that your sponsor hasn't yet signed up then you will have to wait until noon CST to see if they get signed up. If they haven't by noon then you have the option to signup and have the system pick a new sponsor at random for you provided your sponsor still isn't enrolled. You still have the option to contact your sponsor and tell them to get their butt in gear if you wish.

3) Prelaunch signups will be from midnight Monday/Tuesday to midnight Tuesday/Wednesday so a full 24 hours. The system will walk you through everything so please watch the video so you are familiar with the process. Its very simple once you understand how it will work.

4) During the 24 hour prelaunch signup period no one will be able to promote because only prelaunch people will be able to signup. After midnight Tuesday night then the promotion can begin.

*****Very important*****

There is no such thing as a free member in ListZilla. Because of that you will need to have 27$ in AP ready to go upon signup. Tai has informed me that credit and debit cards through Alertpay will be enabled in case you dont have funds already in this processor.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. Have an additional 10$ in your processor ready to go. Trust me on this guys.

So just to recap - go to this link immediately and watch the video and if you aren't already signed up then do so right now or you will miss the window - http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/3/

Then come Tuesday at 12:00am (Monday night) CST get right to the page and try to signup. If you signed up with Extremesurfs then you will be able to get right in because I will already be in the system.

If anyone has any questions just reply to this email and I will get them answered for you. Please make sure you have watched the video FIRST before emailing me.

If someone would be so kind as to post this information in the various forums I would appreciate it. That way there is no confusion come signup day. Remove my link though first please.

I'm really looking forward to this one guys and I know many of you are also.

PS: If you havent already watched the second video then you can
do so at http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/2

The entire program is explained in this video.

Let's make some money!


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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Lun 1 Mar 2010 - 15:55

ListZilla instructions resend and some great news!
Mon, March 1, 2010 5:00:51 PM
Extremesurfs <extremesurfs@gmail.com>
Add to Contacts
To: Soulmarket <archav45@yahoo.com>

Hi Soulmarket, I have some great news! The listzilla alertpay account has been approved to accept credit cards! So all of you that were worried? Worry not! Just be ready at midnight Central time tonight to get signed up! I'm already signed up so you will all be able to get right through.

This is a resend of the prelaunch instructions that I sent out the other day just to be sure everyone understands how this will work tonight and tomorrow.

Here it is:

The prelaunch period is almost over and the instructions for signup are very detailed so be sure to not only watch the video but read this entire email...your income depends on it.

Here is the video - http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/3/sinbad
I'm going to give you a break down of the pre-launch signup instructions so there is no confusion come Tuesday.

First things first. Signup for prelaunch members ONLY will commence on Tuesday at midnight (Monday Night) CST.

If you don't already have a spot then go to this link http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/3/sinbad and enter your information in the box on the right. If you don't do this then you will have to wait a full 24 hours after everyone else to get signed up. Which will suck.

So starting midnight Monday night/Tuesday morning Central time the signup page will be opened and members who are signed up during prelaunch can start to signup.

To clarify Central Standard time is 1 hour behind EST. So at 11:59 pm monday night if you wait one minute then you can signup. Make sense?

Here are some very important points to take note of.

1) If you referred anyone during prelaunch then I highly suggest you try and stay up and get signed up immediately at midnight but at the very latest by noon Tuesday or else you run the risk of losing your people if they arent willing to wait. I will already be signed up and in the system so there wont be any delay. The reason you need to get signed up asap is that your downline wont be able to signup until you do.

2) If you are signing up and you get an error that your sponsor hasn't yet signed up then you will have to wait until noon CST to see if they get signed up. If they haven't by noon then you have the option to signup and have the system pick a new sponsor at random for you provided your sponsor still isn't enrolled. You still have the option to contact your sponsor and tell them to get their butt in gear if you wish.

3) Prelaunch signups will be from midnight Monday/Tuesday to midnight Tuesday/Wednesday so a full 24 hours. The system will walk you through everything so please watch the video so you are familiar with the process. Its very simple once you understand how it will work.

4) During the 24 hour prelaunch signup period no one will be able to promote because only prelaunch people will be able to signup. After midnight Tuesday night then the promotion can begin.

*****Very important*****

There is no such thing as a free member in ListZilla. Because of that you will need to have 27$ in AP ready to go upon signup. Tai has informed me that credit and debit cards through Alertpay will be enabled in case you dont have funds already in this processor.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. Have an additional 10$ in your processor ready to go. Trust me on this guys.

So just to recap - go to this link immediately and watch the video and if you aren't already signed up then do so right now or you will miss the window - http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/3/sinbad

Then come Tuesday at 12:00am (Monday night) CST get right to the page and try to signup. If you signed up with sinbad then you will be able to get right in because I will already be in the system.

If anyone has any questions just reply to this email and I will get them answered for you. Please make sure you have watched the video FIRST before emailing me.

I'm really looking forward to this one guys and I know many of you are also.

PS: If you havent already watched the second video then you can
do so at http://www.list-zilla.com/pre/video/2/sinbad

The entire program is explained in this video.

Let's make some money!

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Date d'inscription : 14/02/2010


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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Mar 2 Mar 2010 - 13:27

Déjà payé pour mon abonnement ainsi que les pro marketing manager et vous?

Le mardi est le jour des pré-personnes inscrites à s'inscrire et payer.

Cartes de crédit et cartes de débit (via Alertpay) seront acceptés (vous devez avoir soit une carte de crédit ou de debit) activée sur votre propre compte Alertpay).

Vous ne serez pas autorisés à séjourner gratuitement comme membre libre, il n'existe pas cette option sur ListZilla. Ainsi,inscrivez-vous quand vous avez les fonds ncessaires.Pour plus d'infos ouvrir ce lien: http://www.list-zilla.com

S'il vous plaît n'essayez pas de vous inscrire avec Listzilla , le mardi si vous avez pas ete pré-inscrits.

Mardi est la journée de pré-personnes inscrites à s'inscrire et payer. Et je ne veux payer, car il n'y a pas de membres libres dans ce prog.

Le mercredi est le jour où ListZilla sera véritablement ouvert à tous les peuples libres sur cette planète.

Mercredi est le jour où ListZilla sera véritablement ouvert à tous les peuples libres sur cette planète. Alors inscrivez-vous tout de suite (pour ceux qui n'ont pas pré-inscrits).

Assurez-vous d'avoir au moins 37 $ dans votre compte AlertPay . Si vous ne l'avez pas? Ensuite, ajoutez une carte de crédit ou de débit (traiter la carte de débit comme une carte de crédit) à votre compte AlertPay. Les instructions sont là, sur la façon de faire ça (à AlertPay).

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Message par soulmarket Mer 3 Mar 2010 - 17:49

ListZilla: Ouvert pour tout le peuple.

Today is the Day List-Zilla est vraiment ouverte à tous les peuples libres sur cette planète.

Si vous n'avez pas vu les trois vidéos expliquant comment tout cela fonctionne? Vous pouvez les regarder cliquez sur: ici

Assurez-vous d'avoir au moins 37 $ dans votre compte AlertPay . Si vous ne l'avez pas? Ensuite, ajoutez une carte de crédit ou de débit (traiter la carte de débit comme une carte de crédit) à votre compte AlertPay. Accédez à votre compte Alertpay instructions sont là sur la façon de le faire.

Inscrivez-vous maintenant

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Message par Streaky77 Mer 3 Mar 2010 - 19:44

Scam ?

C'est un HYIP ça ?
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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Jeu 4 Mar 2010 - 18:43

One of the popular question about ListZilla:

"Can anyone explain what is the different of basic and pro? Are we still earning 6 level deep with basic version?

The answer:

Basic Affiliate is Free no monthly cost - you earn commissions on your 1st personal level - a few restrictions on allowed automatic invitation emails sent out, etc ...

The Market Manager Pro: has unlimited automatic invitation emails sent, unlimited personally sent out emails from your back office and MANY other benefits - and you earn commissions on all 6 levels in your Tree - commissions are paid into your List-Zilla acct. immediately... so yes, if you want to make the BIG Bucks, you want the MMPro...

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Date d'inscription : 14/02/2010


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Message par IAMME Jeu 4 Mar 2010 - 20:27

C'est une sorte de MLM complètement bancal (un peu à la ACN Wink).
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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Dim 7 Mar 2010 - 10:52

List-Zilla open for all the free people of this planete.

"Let me first ask you a few questions to make sure you're not wasting your time, sound fair?

1. Are you looking for a way to make money online?
2. Are you suffering in our current economic crisis?
3. Have you ever heard the phrase, "The money is in the list?"
4. Would you be interested in building your own email list?
5. Would it help if each person who subscribed paid you $3.00 to get on your list?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then my friend you are in the right place at the right time, because what I'm sharing with you here, is going to absolutely explode over the course of the next few months and you can be in on the ground floor.

It's called ListZilla and it's one of the most exciting and lucrative concepts to come around in years. "

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Message par le chat DOC Dim 7 Mar 2010 - 11:25

a quoi sert "listZilla" ?

List Zilla In Pre-launch Banniere-612791
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le chat DOC
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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par HYIP-France.com Dim 7 Mar 2010 - 12:21

Apparemment c'est un système de liste par mail. On est payé par rapport au nombre de personnes qui s'inscrivent sous notre liste. C'est un système de chaine de Ponzi qui peut être efficace si beaucoup de monde sont impliqués et si la diffusion est bonne.

**1 Portefeuille diversifié = + de Profits, - de risques**
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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par le chat DOC Dim 7 Mar 2010 - 15:20

Merci pour le complément d'information

List Zilla In Pre-launch Banniere-612791
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List Zilla In Pre-launch Empty Re: List Zilla In Pre-launch

Message par soulmarket Ven 12 Mar 2010 - 5:22

List-Zilla open for all the free people of this planete.

Get an Invitation to See ListZilla for Yourself

List Zilla In Pre-launch Sp_two

Click Here to view (open a new window)

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Contenu sponsorisé

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