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Union-paying - Union-paying.pw

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Union-paying - Union-paying.pw Empty Union-paying - Union-paying.pw

Message par newpt Mar 13 Nov 2018 - 19:27

I'm not admin/owner!
Start: 2018 November, 13


Union-paying.pw is working with currency exchange trading on a daily basis in the Forex currency market, we clearly understand how difficult and time consuming it would be for an investor who wants to take advantage of the potential opportunities in the 24-hour foreign currency market and lacks both the time and experience to trade on their own. And at the same time conduct important technical analysis and hourly price chart studies including important economic data.

Investment plan:

160% After 1 Day
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Premium $10.00 - $20000.00 160.00

31% Hourly For 5 Hours
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
Gold $30.00 - $20000.00 31.00

161% After 2 Hours
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Vip $50.00 - $20000.00 161.00

Min/Max deposit: 10$/20,000$

Refferal: 5%

Pay. systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin

Gold Coders Script

SSL Certificate

DDOS Protection

Check and register: https://union-paying.pw

Payment recieved
Batch: 235871289
Received Payment 1.80 USD from union-paying.pw
Memo: Withdrawal to besthyips.club

Home Money Maker DeLuxe
Home Money Maker DeLuxe

Messages : 3347
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2018

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