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Message par newpt Ven 10 Mar 2023 - 17:22

I'm not admin/owner!
Start: March, 10 2023



As the popularity and price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies increases, more and more miners want to mine cryptocurrency. The more people mine cryptocurrency, the more difficult it is to get it and the higher is the cost of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies mining.

Investment plan:

122% After 1 Day, 42% Hourly For 3 Hours, 52% Hourly For 4 Hours, 62% Hourly For 5 Hours

Min deposit: 5$

Refferal: 5%

Pay. systems: Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Payeer, BCH, LTC, ETH, Doge, Ripple, ePayCore, Tron, Tether

Gold Coders Script

SSL Certificate

DDOS Protection

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Date d'inscription : 14/08/2018

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